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Start my U life
2014年10月12日星期日 | 13:45 | 0 Kawaii ?

One week orientation was gone,
tomorrow start my study week already,
why so fast??? XD

In this orientation week I meet a new friend in different course....
yesterday morning, I went ice breaking at school,
my group is 18, group name is coconut...the name is so funny...haha
but so enjoy and fun in this activities....

our group....Coconut^^

At night, the activities is "Wow Night"
 our group have performance dance and catwalk...XD
awesome, amazing....(our motto....haha)
 selfie when we eating Mcd and prepare the perform....XD

Yeah....Wow Night^^

my group is a funny group, always make me laugh and laugh until can't control myself,
like that I'll become crazy...
our group member go anywhere also can selfie one....(same with me...XD)
so happy to meet u all^.^
if have time, we can meet out to lunch and dinner together^.^

Tomorrow will start my study week already,
blessing can meet my coursemates as soon as possible....

University life! I'll coming!  

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